CWAO Radio
Know Your Rights

About this Series: Know Your Rights

This is an 13-part radio podcast series that breaks down worker rights, from wage issues, to leave, overtime, deductions and various other issues relating to workers rights.

10 May 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 13: Part 2 UIF Know Your Rights

In this episode of Know Your Rights, In this episode of Know Your Rights, we continue with the focus on the Unemployment Insurance Fund, better known as UIF. We break down and explain what it is, and the conditions that exist around it. Also providing you with the remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

03 May 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 13: Part 1 UIF

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on the Unemployment Insurance Fund, better known as UIF. We break down and explain what it is, and the conditions that exist around it. Also providing you with the remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

24 April 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 12: Minimum Wage

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on the New Minimum Wage. We break down and explain what it is, and the conditions that exist around it. Also providing you with the remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

17 April 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 11: Notice

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on Notice. We break down and explain what Notice is, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

10 April 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 10: Family Responsibility Leave

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on Family Responsibility Leave. We break down and explain what Family Responsibility Leave is, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

03 April 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 9: Parental & Adoption Leave

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on Parental & Adoption Leave. We break down and explain what Parental & Adoption Leave is, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

27 March 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 8: Sectoral Determinations

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on sectoral determinations. We break down and explain what a sectoral determination is, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against the guidelines set out in this right.

20 March 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 7: Paid Sick Leave

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we focus on sick leave. We break down and explain how sick leave works, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against this right.

13 March 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 6: Maternity Leave

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we tackle maternity leave. We break down and explain how maternity leaves works, the conditions that exist around it and what remedies workers have it their employer's go against this right.

06 March 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 5: Annual Leave

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we tackle annual leave. We break down and explain how annual leave works as well as the conditions that exist around it.

28 February 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 4: Short Hours

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we tackle short hours.

We break down and compare how short hours worked in the past, to how they work now. We also touch on the New Minimum Wage that will come into effect on 1 March 2024.

23 February 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 3: Overtime

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we tackle overtime.

We break down how much you should be paid for overtime as stipulated by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. How many hours of overtime you should work and what you should do if your boss is withholding your overtime rights.

21 February 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 2: Ordinary Hours

In this episode of Know Your Rights, we tackle ordinary hours. We break down the hours of work as stipulated by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, how many hours you should work and how many hours of rest you should get.

19 February 2024

Know Your Rights Series - Episode 1: Wages & Deductions

In this first episode of our Know Your Rights series, we tackle wages and deductions. We look at when you must be paid, how you should be paid and what you can do if your employer is not paying you on time, paying you the wrong amount or not paying you at all.