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CWAO News Article

20 June 2024

Workers are on strike at Core Group in Boksburg

Workers at Core Group (technology and computer sales) have downed tools this morning and are on a protected strike after wage negotiations deadlocked and conciliation at the CCMA failed.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

07 May 2024

Simunye Workers' Forum direct action at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)

The SWF has set up a stall outside the Benoni branch of the CCMA. The SWF intends to spend a week outside every CCMA office in Gauteng to support workers who are not being adequately assisted by the CCMA and sometimes even abused by the CCMA.

Category: CCMA

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CWAO News Article

29 April 2024

New report on strike trends in 2023 shows more wildcat strikes than protected strikes; workers striking mainly for permanent jobs and over wage issues

The CWAO released its latest Strike Barometer this morning. The Strike Barometer covers strikes between 1 January and 31 December 2023.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

08 March 2024

Organise for a Living Wage: R27.58 per Hour Keeps the Bosses Rich

The new national minimum wage is R27.58 per hour! Demand the new national minimum wage if you are earning less!


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CWAO News Article

29 February 2024

The national minimum wage entrenches Apartheid's cheap Black labour

The 1 March increase in the national minimum wage from R25.42 to R27.45 has been hailed in many quarters, most particularly by Cosatu. This alone should make us suspicious, given the federation's consistently anti-worker politics.


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CWAO News Article

28 February 2024

135 workers at Mister Sweet demand R16 000 basic salary now or they will strike!

The CWAO/SWF is taking Mister Sweet, owned by Premier Foods, to the CCMA on 29 February, after several months of the company refusing to pay workers a basic salary.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

23 November 2023

Simunye Workers Forum defeats snack giant Simba in the Labour Court!

The SWF won a victory against snack manufacturing giant Simba in the Johannesburg Labour Court on 21 November, with Simba forced to withdraw its bid for a permanent interdict against deemed permanent workers together with permanent workers who went on strike over Simba cancelling the free transport it used to provide.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

07 November 2023

CCMA orders farm owner to pay R81 000 in backpay to workers

A Johannesburg businessman accused of short-paying his staff has been ordered by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to pay just over R81 000 to his 21 employees.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

06 November 2023

CCMA case against Zanthe Fresh

Casual workers affiliated with the Casual Workers Advice Office (CWAO) and Simunye Workers' Forum (SWF) have won a case in the CCMA against Zanthe Fresh, a farm on the West Rand that refused to pay workers the legal minimum wage since June 2023.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

26 October 2023

Company vanishes, leaving workers unpaid, fails to show up at CCMA

The management of Crown Household, a Driehoek, Germiston-based company that manufactures and packages wire pot scourers, disappeared on 20 October 2023, leaving 21 workers unpaid.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

03 October 2023

Hundreds of workers at Simba to strike from tomorrow

Over 200 workers at Simba's main plant in Isando and warehouse in Elandsfontein will down tools tomorrow over Simba unlawfully deducting money for the past six years from their wages.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

08 September 2023

CWAO condemns Simba for cruelly firing 52 workers

The Casual Workers' Advice Office (CWAO) condemns Simba for its ruthless dismissal of 52 workers, with just nine days' notice.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

15 August 2023

Joint Simunye Workers Forum/Casual Workers' Advice Office Press Statement

The Simunye Workers Forum (SWF) and Casual Workers' Advice Office (CWAO) are heartened that Labour Court judge Andre van Niekerk has dismissed with costs the Registrar of Labour Relations' application for leave to appeal his ruling that the Registrar must register the SWF as a trade union.

Category: SWF / CWAO

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CWAO News Article

16 July 2023

Registrar of Labour Relations' new court appeal again leaves tens of thousands of casual workers out in the cold

The SWF and CWAO note that the Registrar of Labour Relations has decided to waste tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of rands of public money in appealing the Labour Court decision that ordered him to register the SWF as a trade union by 12 July 2023.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

28 June 2023

SAFTU condemns shooting of Simunye Workers Forum members

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) is angered by the criminal and senseless shooting of workers belonging to Simunye Workers Forum (SWF) and two by-standers, in Germiston on Saturday, 24 June 2023.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

27 June 2023

SWF activists and a CWAO board member shot with live ammunition in Germiston yesterday

Yesterday, 24 June 2023, at about 1:30pm, 50 members of the SWF and CWAO held a peaceful march after their general meeting in Germiston to Golden Bakery at 79 Plantation Road, Germiston. The activists children who had been playing at the meeting, were also present at the march, which was very peaceful.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

23 June 2023

Major Labour Court victory for new forms of worker organising

The Simunye Workers Forum (SWF) is delighted to have won a major victory in the Labour Court in Johannesburg yesterday (21 June, 2023).

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

13 June 2023

Simunye Workers Forum takes Registrar of Labour Relations to Labour Court on 14 June 2023

On Wed 14 June, the Labour Court in Johannesburg will hear an appeal by the Simunye Workers Forum against the Registrar of Labour Relations refusal to register the SWF as a trade union

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

19 May 2023

Simunye Workers Forum organiser threatened by representatives of Liwayway Food South Africa (Pty) Ltd

The SWF's Jacob Potlaki arrived to attend a meeting with the HR Manager at Liwayway Food South Africa (Pty) Ltd premises on 18 May 2023 regarding a CCMA Matter, but were threatened by men at the gate.

Category: CCMA

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CWAO News Article

02 March 2023

CWAO condemns miniscule increase to minimum wage

The ANC government has once again acted as the party of the capitalist bosses by gazetting a miniscule increase of R2.23 per hour to the minimum wage.


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CWAO News Article

17 January 2023

Simunye Workers Forum press statement

Simunye Workers Forum calls for immediate dismissal of white manager who assaulted a Black worker at Kyron Laboratories.

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

17 December 2018

CWAO response to the EFF

CWAO responds to the Secretary General of the EFF

Category: DISPUTES

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CWAO News Article

05 November 2018

Build the Living and Social Wage Campaign



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CWAO News Article

10 October 2018

No Right to Strike for Labour Brokers

Labour Court lets workers down


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CWAO News Article

07 October 2018

Big New Rights Campaign aims to mobilise millions of Labur Broker Workers

Hundreds of labour broker workers gathered in Germiston on Saturday for the launch of the Big New Rights campaign.


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CWAO News Article

02 October 2018

COSATU congress ignores attacks on workers' rights

COSATU held its thirteenth Congress from 17 to 20 September. As usual the federations militant declarations of its commitment to radical change received widespread attention and added to the impression of a strong, although divided, union movement in South Africa. While many are aware of problems and divisions in COSATU, it is not often acknowledged that the picture of a strong, militant union movement supported by progressive, rigid labour laws is fundamentally false


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